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So you are considering to welcome a Bengal into your family - congratulations, it’s such an exciting decision to make!


All cats are magnificent creatures and fantastic companions, and bengals most certainly are super cats.

Presuming you have already done some research into this stunning breed, you will know that it does in fact originate from a cross between a small wild animal, Asian Leopard Cat, and a domestic cat. As a result, bengals have an attractive wild look combined with a lovely, fully domesticated personality.

​Bengals should be exclusively indoor cats, as they are fearless, friendly and adventurous, and that paired with their exotic looks and high monetary value, bears high risk of theft. Not to mention even more heartbreaking dangers of the streets that could result in fatality.


We are more than happy to recommend running wheels for cats, stylish and practical cat furniture and interactive toys that we found work for our furry treasures. But nothing will substitute quality play time - it will help you bond with your treasure and will keep them feeling happy and valued. 

If suitably entertained, bengals can very well do without stepping outdoors, but if you have a suitable garden, then there are options of either cat proofing it, or taking them out on a leash (this will require training, but can certainly be achieved - we are happy to advise suitable harnesses). We would strongly advise against letting your bengals roam unattended even in your garden - keeping an eye on them will ensure they are staying safe and you can combine their outdoors time with your play and bond time!

Are bengals lap cats? Don’t forget that just like humans, all cats are individuals and have their own personality. There is absolutely nothing in bengals’ nature that is stopping them from enjoying a snooze on your knees or belly. Bengals tend to be incredibly sociable and thrive in company of humans and other pets. Bengals in our household are certainly very partial to a cuddle and show it by rolling on their back whilst tilting their heads to a side and purring loudly. Makes me smile even just typing this up 😻


One of the distinct traits for bengals though is high energy levels - they are inherently extremely athletic and have an urge to release that energy. It makes them very involved play companions - one of our girls absolutely adores playing a goalie and does some impressive jumps to catch a soft toy flying her way! It is therefore extremely important to keep them exercised. Paired with high intelligence levels, bengals easily get bored and so need to be stimulated mentally as well as physically. Bengal that is frequently ignored and left bored can start expressing behaviour that can be interpreted as naughty - knocking things over, getting into places they know they shouldn’t, being loud and needy. Please know it is not your bengal’s fault - they just need more attention and stimulation.

Interactive toys and running wheel are highly recommended.

Further on the subject of bengals’ sociability, they tend to love company of other pets. However, this again is very personal to each individual cat. Any introductions should be made gradually and with caution, under supervision and never forced upon any pet involved. We are happy to provide very detailed tips on introduction and guide you step by step in this process, if required.

Bengals tend to get on swimmingly well with other bengals, as they usually share same traits and energy levels, however, they are likely to enjoy company of other pets just as much. It is worth bearing in mind though, that a young bengal bursting with energy could prove a bit too much to a timid, older cat that prefers to be left alone and snooze most of the day. Equally, smaller animals like hamsters and birds should never be left alone with any cats and let alone bengals, without supervision - feline instincts are very strong, and it can be hard to see them as friends rather than prey.

Personality compatibility should always be assessed before pairing any animals in the same household - we are more than happy to discuss your current circumstances and potential problems as well as possible solutions.

Adopting two (or more) siblings from the same litter could be a very good idea, as they will already have a formed bond and sense of security in each other, not to mention a guaranteed playmate. 

Like any other cats, bengals are mirrors of your behaviour towards them - if you treat them with respect, love and care, they have incredible amount of affection to give you in return. They are great with kids, but only under condition that kids have been well educated on the subject of respecting animals and knowing the difference between a toy and a living creature. Bengals have no aggression in them, but like any other cats, they are equipped with sharp teeth homed by strong jaws and sharp claws to protect them from situations of danger and abuse. 


When it comes to nutrition, we are very passionate about it and we are happy to discuss our preferences with you. We will recommend what has worked for Your kitten best whilst in our care, as well as offer alternatives that are best in our opinion, should you welcome it. Remember that quality nutrition leads to a happy, healthy cat living a long, joyful life. And as a bonus, keeps veterinary fees down, so do make sure to do your research regarding food - either through chatting to ourselves, or through your own resources.


Healthy, happy bengal will live for about 15 to 20 years. So you are getting a fantastic companion for a good part of your life. It is important to remember that they become your family, your responsibility, your baby from the day they set their jellybean jewelled paws into your house. Before committing to welcome such a magnificent, beautiful and loving creature into your life, please make sure that you are ready for all the responsibilities this commitment comes with, anticipate the costs involved and look as far into the future as possible to foresee any circumstances that might leave you unable to care for the cat. Any potential allergies need to be explored beforehand and ruled out (please note - no cat is truly hypoallergenic, so please don’t risk breaking cat’s heart and your own just to “give it a go”), any family planning needs to be carefully thought of and discussed in the household (cats are absolutely no issue when it comes to babies and bengals are fantastic pals to kids who respect them - there is absolutely no need to rehome your pet when planning a new addition to the family), any moves within the country or abroad need to be mentally prepared for (it is not impossible to immigrate with your cat, it just depends on how committed owners are to the matter), and as obvious as it sounds, all the members of household need to agree to new addition beforehand - a living creature should never be a surprise present for someone who is not expecting them. 

In a case of something unforeseen happening to the owners of our Cattery graduates, we would always ask to inform us first and come to us directly, rather than trying to rehome them yourself or turning them into a shelter.

On the subject of health, it is important to look after your bengal’s health and to take them to the vet for their annual boosters and health checks. Many veterinary practices offer plans where annual boosters, checkups and internal / external parasite treatments are included in a convenient monthly payment - you might wish to examine those options and see if they work out the best for you. It is also important to remember that there is no NHS for pets, and as cats are prone to accidents, not to mention never knowing what is around the corner, insurance might be a very good idea. There are many providers to choose from these days, and it is worth shopping around for good price and good quality (just ticking the box will not do in this instance - you want a provider you can rely on). This can indeed be costly, but can save a lot of stress should something unforeseen happen, and is worth at least considering. Kittens from our Cattery are insured for the first 5 weeks with no cost to the new owner or any obligations to continue.


Finally, we would like to note that bengals are stunning, unique and charming felines with distinct, eye catching looks. They are therefore very popular in the world of cat fancy, including at the shows. If showing your beautiful kitten from our Cattery is something you are interested in, we are happy to chat to you about registries and the world of shows. Shows can be fantastic place to meet likeminded people and see many stunning cats, including bengals!

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