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Russian Blue

Are you considering to add a Russian Blue kitten to your family? If so - you clearly have an impeccable taste and appreciation for beauty! Often referred to as Aristocrats of the Feline World, Russian Blue cats are fantastic companions who are both self-sufficient and loyal, with a lot of energy and never fading playfulness 



In addition to their luxurious looks, Russian Blue cats have a personality to match. Whilst these stunning, emerald-eyed beauties are reserved and cautious towards anyone new, they are fully devoted and loyal to their beloved humans. It is true that they require patience and proof of worthiness from their new family, but once you gain their trust, their affection is second to none. Russian Blue will not want love and cuddles from just anyone - you will feel truly privileged and valued for simply being You when you are with this majestic creature. They often show affection with rubbing their face against yours, asking for belly rubs and purring loudly. Russians make fantastic family companions as their play style is very gentle, so long as the children know to respect them and not to play rough.

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